Friday 30 September 2011

Tattoos Color Scheme

Tattoos Color Scheme:-

Needles and ink for tattoos - those two components, the quality of which is critical to the future quality of the tattoo. For used in tattoo inks, the main criteria are safety (sterile and non-toxic anti-allergy) and stability. On the safety talk here will not - tattoo industry the past 10 years has been producing only safe paint. Stability implies a saving each embedded in the skin of paint drop their shape, size, color, and other physical and chemical properties for a long time.

Ingredients for centuries the main colors used in the tattoo were minerals, plant extracts, soot, carbon black and ocher. Modern paints for tattoo has a completely different composition, the ingredients although some still remain.

Pigment. The pigments that make up the colors, composed of organic and inorganic particles that reflect light in a certain range, which defines a particular color. most common in the world of tattoo color - black. Black pigment is created from animal bones and soot includes oxides of iron, wood tar and tar. 

red pigment contains mercuric sulfide or cinnabar and cadmium selenide. Cadmium sulfide is the basis of yellow pigment. Blue pigment based on cobalt. White pigment contains lead carbonate, zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. Ingredients for the other colors include iron oxide, lead carbonate, titanium dioxide, manganese oxide, manganese oxide, chromium, chromium oxides water, brazilin, carmine, red aphids extract chitin, the coloring matter of sandalwood, indigo, and more.

FLASH. Pigment particles are solid and insoluble in water. Therefore requires an inert liquid vehicle with which pigment is mixed to be embedded into the skin through a needle tattoo machine. The most common substances used as carriers - is destilirovannaya purified water, glycerin, alcohol, or witch hazel extract.

ADDITIVES. Additives are used, above all, to ensure the stability of pigments for tattoo ink. They include thickeners and substances providing homogeneity of the mixture of pigments and media. As manufacturers, and even yourself tattooists use: additive to increase adhesion of paint (to better maintained at the tip), preservatives such as benzoic acid to circumvent contamination; anesthetic for local anesthesia in tattoos, Listerine or vodka as a thinning agent.

Saturday 3 September 2011


Makeup Your Mind Before Tattoos

It should be recognized that around the 
world a lot of people upset with the end
result  they were not exactly the same       
tattoo,exactly the same tattoo, which
 had hoped. And the main cause of their 
grief is their own carelessness they just 
did not want to spend their own time
 researching and thinking about options.

Here are some recommendations that we 
hope will help you in choosing the design of your tattoo.
  • First of all it is necessary to determine the exact reason why you want a tattoo.
  • If you want to be expressive, think about the images, objects, etc., that you like it or have a special meaning for you.
  • If your tattoo will be made in honor of someone else, think about what he (she, it) like it or has a special meaning for them.
  • Look at as many variants of tattoos, and try not to limit your imagination only because it has already been implemented.
  • Try to look for new ideas, studying photographs, graphics, banners, posters, stickers and the like.
  • If you find something close to what you want, try as closely as possible to discuss with the master all the additions and changes to the image you found.
  • Creative needs. The case of the master - to realize your ideas in the tattoo for you is - clearly convey to him your ideas.
  • Decide together with the master with the colors and the overall color scheme of your tattoo.
  • Keep in mind that the image applied to the body, is a mirror image of your choice.
  • Take note of how your tattoo will (or will not) affect your career.
  • Take your time. This is not the case.

And remember:

Any design or pattern that you choose as the initial idea, as a result of discussions with the tattoo artist can be changed up to the recognition, including its color scheme.
wizard tattoo art - is an artist in every sense of the word - it can draw a design of your tattoo, based only on a verbal description of your idea. 
Want an original and expressive tattoo? Do not limit your imagination.

Mind Blowing Tattoo

Back Tattoo:

The back is a very special place:Firstly, it is the largest continuous localization 
and offer space for special for subject. Secondly, the back is very special 
because it is in everyday life almost always hidden under clothing. 
In some innocent-acting office secretary conceals surprisingly incredible back tattoos. 

               colourful back tattoo                                        

 Splendid Back Tattoo
hot girl with back tattoo

sleeping beauty with tattoo 
Full body tattoo