Saturday, 1 October 2011

Tattoo Trend

Tattoo Trend:-

In Europe today, one in four has on your body at 
least one tattoo, every third customer tattoo parlor
 is a girl. Fashion - a seasonal phenomenon, we're 
doing a tattoo for life, so are the classical laws of
 fashion are not working. In Russia, art and quality
 tattoos began to appear only in 2000. Today, with
 better quality, by popularity tattoos we still a little 
behind in the West, there is a tattoo - the ear pierce.

Predict the development of fashion in the tattoo in
 the decades ahead - employment hopeless, because
 all its history over the past decade and to date 
suggests that, despite the emergence of several new
 and latest styles and trends, the overall trend is, in fact,
 remains the same - all the trends and styles remain about
 ravnopopulyarnymi. The explanation of this "phenomenon"

 is obvious - the taste and color ... plus, most people, choosing a tattoo, approach it seriously, putting its own definite and, often, even deeper meaning. A variety of options for artistic expression ideas is precisely, in this case, the deciding factor. Bursts of the popularity of a trend in the tattoo, of course, the case (so, today leading biomechanics, realism and portrait), but they are negligible and will soon subside.

In any country, including Russia, have fans of different styles and, therefore, there are masters who work in them, there is a demand - there is a supply. The same can be said about the images that provide the basis of a tribal song. Time goes on, but if we ignore the fantasy, abstract and surreal, in tattoos still maintained a set of 40-50 sites and about the same number of subjects. Diversity is achieved through a creative approach to the overall design of tattoos as well as imagination, artistic taste and skill tattoo artists.

So fashionable tattoo only one thing - quality. It is determined, above all, the skill of the artist - a tattoo artist, then, equipment, paints and supplies, and of safety, of course. The main trend of development is the art tattoo, tattoo approximates to reality - real or imagined. Today master tattoo - especially artist with education, imagination, a sense of proportion and high sociability.


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